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Thread: Emigration

  1. #21
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    The only reason I could leave Canada would be for my dream job....but since I cannot really even define that, I am not sure I will even entertain it. I live in my hometown, mainly because I am around to look after my aging parents who have no other family left near to them. Had I the chance to emigrate, I would be doing it knowing what I was leaving my folks to. It would be emotionally tough.

    As far as other nations are concerned, I have been all over North America, but really compared to Europe, that isn't well travelled. Then again, I have seen enough of other cultures through the immigrants that I can deduce where I might LIKE to live or not.

    If I was emigrating to Europe, I think Germany, Ireland or the UK would be my choices, although I must admit, Spain would be looked at. If I was looking at any other place, Australia and/or New Zealand would be my only other viable options. My ability to mangle any language other than my own pretty much would hem me into English speaking nations.

    Right now, looking at a -5 with -20 C windchill, Hawaii is looking REALLY good....
    "Water for my horses, beer for my men and mud for my turtle".

  2. #22
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    I've currently sort of emigrated to Romania for a while, until my wife's visa and POI card gets sorted out, so that we can then go back to India. I don't have to be at my office to manage my business, so it all gets done over the internet.

    Surprisingly my wife wants to go back to India much more than I do, well, firstly because she absolutely hates the below freezing point winter here and likes the idea of being in flip-flops all year long. Think about it, you don't have to get double or triple glazed windows, no extra money spent on warm clothes, and no huge winter gas bills. The first time she was in India, we were in Goa for 2 months. She didn't wanna come back. Well, I gotta agree with her about this, my toes are frozen as I type this!

    Secondly, she believes Indians are more humble, polite and honest people. Can't agree with her on this one.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolton Midnight
    Considered moving to Oz (fortunately both my wife and I are professional people and would be welcomed with open arms) as I was sick and tired of watching Labour ruin Britain but then the Tories won and besides my wife wouldn't want to leave her mum, so who knows if Mother in Law snuffs it and Labour win again I'll be off like a shot.
    Please don't, we have enough whinging poms out here as it is.

    Also you obviously haven't done much research because we also have a Federal 'Labor' Government and most state governments are also 'Labor'.

    You may have also noticed in another thread that smoking is just about banned anywhere that food and or drink is served, so you may be restricted to smoking in your own house. Not a bad thing imo.

    As for the comment about being both being 'professional people and would be welcomed with open arms', are you really sure about that, have you actually done any real research into the fact that you have a skill that is really needed here?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hondo
    No need to. No desire to. The United States offers just about any terrain, climate, and opportunity one could wish for.
    Except for, arguably, the cultural diversity of the rest of the world.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndySpeed
    Except for, arguably, the cultural diversity of the rest of the world.
    What do you mean - we have much cultural diversity
    I just love "Cans"

    Puerto Ricans
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  6. #26
    Senior Member gadjo_dilo's Avatar
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    My parents' families emigrated here when they were very young. They never complained or mentioned it but I noticed how hard was for them to integrate in romanian society. Even on their death bed my father and uncle dreamt of coming back to their land. I don't want to have the same diffficulties and I have a temper that can't adapt easily. That's why I never thought of leaving this place. It's hard to llive here, day by day I'm confronted with brutish behaviour but at the same time there's something about this place that fascinates me. I'm always complaining about having to live in a gipsyland but at the same time if I leave I'll miss it. Then I feel I can't find my place here where I know so many people, how can I cope with this somewhere else?

    However, if after the next elections I'd be as disappointed as I was after the latest I'm seriously taking into account the alternative to emigrate in Congo.

  7. #27
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    This is a good thread. I had never really given this much thought.

    South Africa has an appeal as does Australia. South Africa because there is so much to learn from an academic point of view.

    Australia because it is so much like the US. New, immigrants and people that

    were displaced and sent to Van Diemens Land for stealing a loaf of bread.

    Very sad.
    "Believers that socialism is a one aspect theory are deluded and do not comprehend it"

  8. #28
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    If i was younger,and no family,then maybe i would have given it a lot of thought.But my son is in Bulgaria,and coming back to the UK,even though his cost of living is cheap in Bulgaria,my grandson is in Adelaide,working as a tree surgeon,and enjoys it,my daughter is in Brisbane,and would love to return to the Uk to be nearer her first grandchild.My cousin is in Powell River ,Canada,and cannot get back to the UK enough.
    So a lot of people do emigrate,and enjoy it,and get on with it,and i feel a larger number,get homesick,and miss their family and friends and ,pack up and come back to the UK.Its all about can you hack it or not,and is your standard of life better.
    Myself ,well i have travelled all over the world (Australia 4 times USA 6 times ,South Africa,New Zealand,)and all over Europe,and i love to travel and enjoy most countrys that i visit,but still love to be back home in the UK

  9. #29
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    we've been in Australia for nearly four years now and, having got our permanent residency visas this year I'm in no hurry to go back to the UK, certainly not with the current economic / government situation.
    There are pros and cons to emigrating, but on balance I'm happy down here. But everyone is different, and while we have a number of ex-pat friends locally, some who have been here for most of their lives now, we know of other who have not been able to adapt and have headed back home after a few months.

  10. #30
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    I'd probably go to US. To the southern part to be more specific. Coast or no coast, it doesn't matter to me. I just want to get out of this frigging cold country !!!!
    Another Flying Finn

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