Having been to Ireland (Rep) many times, both in the 80's,90's and this new century I am struck at how much has changed.
It is an extremely modern country and the people are very worldly. They can speak of any situation going on in the world and do so with great knowledge.

The sad part is that the Northern part of the country is still stuck in a time warp. The sectarianism still exists and is vitriolic. Now, Northern Ireland is different than when the "troubles" began. The British soldiers are gone off the streets. The old RUC is now the PSNI(Police Service of Northern Ireland).

The reason this change in the policing was due to the fact that at one time the police force comprised 98% protestant of all denominations. The Nationalists were treated badly and proportionately worse than their counterparts. Then Margaret Thatcher came up with her idiotic " Interment without Trial". She may as well have lit a fuse because as a result there was absolute chaos. Bloody Sunday (second one), hunger strikers dying and martyrs made of them. The agony was now going on for nearly thirty years.

It had to change and thanks to Bill Clinton and Senator Mitchell it all changed and a total restructuring of the police force and the departure of the British army and a new multi-cultural government installed. The PIRA left down their arms and vowed not to return to the violence of years past.

Unfortunately, the UDA, UFF, UDR, Red Hand of Ulster and others did not get the message. They had some infighting and thus tried to get the nationalists involved. It has not worked. YET!

What do you guys and gals think. Sould Ireland be one? Or should Britain remain as it is?