Well to my fellow Canadians, Schmenke, Easy, Civic, Edv, Chamoo and the rest....I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. Enjoy the start of hockey season, some last vestiges of great Indian Summer weather (forecast in my part of the country is 20 C and sunny) and truly do give thanks for living in a great nation.

For those of you who don't know why Canadians do Thanksgiving now...or the whole concept, well it is really simple. The Americans celebrate it a month before Christmas because that is when their harvest ends. We Canadians gave up on this plan since the weather often sucks big time in November in most parts of the country.

If you don't know what Thanksgiving is, it is the celebration of the harvest being over, and giving thanks for living in a great and wonderful new world and giving thanks for the bounty and health you have. The natives who taught this to early pioneers on this shore obviously had more wisdom than this..but this is their legacy....