September 11 is a date that those like me remember for one tragic reason - one of the quickest drivers ever and the quickest driver after Rindt and before Senna died on that day after an accident he had no fault in making.

Ronnie Peterson aka "SuperSwede" but usually known simply as "Ronnie".

I remember exactly where I was the day I heard that he had succumbed to his injuries and it just seemed impossible. Even today it feels impossible and the same regret and frustration rises each anniversary.

He was a driver with that beautiful shiny blue and yellow helmet and belonged in the beautiful black and gold John Player Special Lotus.

Renowned for his four-wheel drift opposite locking through the REAL Woodcote 160mph corner and his ability to drive around a cars' faults. He was as Clark was a terrible test driver as a result.

Just like Clark, after two laps in a car during testing he had to be brought in otherwise the feedback was of no value

He hated excercise and fortunately in those days racing drivers did nothave to be especially fit other than the fitness they received simply from driving the cars. He just loved racing.

As a person he was liked by everyone in pit lane and it was his honour that allowed him to stay behind Andretti during the 1978 championship year.

Last year at the opening of the Ronnie Peterson museum in Sweden the response was tremendous - his brother and daughter - a beautiful mix of the late Ronnie and Barbro - who never got over his death and committed suicide. Also there were mechanics from his Lotus days.

Fans will always be grateful to Ronnie's longtime patron, Count Zanon.

He would have been a McLaren driver in 1979 - but the McLaren cars from that year and for the following two seasons were dreadfully designed and a waste of time. SuperSwede would have hated the ground effect era.

But perhaps after a season or two with McLaren he would have finally become a Ferrari driver alongside Gille Villeneuve - there could be an equally exciting team, but no more so. Or would he have remained with McLaren, racing and winning during the Barnard years?

All speculation but it could have been just so magnificent.

Rest in peace always Ronnie, we still miss you, remember you and thank you.