Quote Originally Posted by Hartusvuori
I've no idea where in Muurame shakedown will take place, but I guess the change have indeed something to with the fact Laajavuori gets into a horrible shape during shakedown. I'm still pondering whether to skip SS Laajavuori because it might get really crowded and hard to get in and out.

And like you mentioned, schedule looks so that 3-4 stages per day should be reachable. Especially the fact that Friday runs 3+ hours longer in the forest stages is welcomed.
The change to drive Laajavuori as a stage can be because in the past the rallys first stage was usually Laajavuori.
RallyPer mentioned Humalamäki, does anyone know is that stage still gravel road? If it is, they should consider to bring it on, its an incredible stage.