What is it with all you men and your mid life crisis?

About three weeks ago a 45 year old single friend called me (in the middle of the night, as only single people do ) and we got chatting about cars. I didn't know what he drove, I only ever see the vehicle he uses for work, and stupidly guessed at it being a navy blue Mondeo or Vectra. He was annoyed as I made him sound boring and middle aged .....

Two nights later a text arrived. My guess had been too close to the truth (he had a black Vectra) so he'd bought a BMW Z4. That night I slept with my head in my hands wondering what I'd started

A few days ago I watched him eat his lunch. Not the normal junk, he'd converted to fruit juice and salad. His usual ill-fitting jeans, tatty trainers, V neck sweater and tshirt had transformed into perfectly fitted jeans, quality shoes and a nice shirt. I never knew he had such a fine ass :

Bless him, he's hit his mid life crisis face on. Sadly the car means he'll probably never feel a woman's touch again, but at least he's tried .......

On tuesday Neil Morissey (sp?) of Men Behaving Badly fame will be having a polo lesson at a club local to me. Another crisis in it's infancy.

Men of the forum, I beg you not to do this to yourselves.
45 is not 25.
You have been warned