Kabouter (the name on here of the guy who runs RallyBase) posted this message:
Quote Originally Posted by kabouter
Hello all,

I'm still alive Had a very eventful several months and with accepting a new job starting in February and having to move to the other side of the country on very short notice, it's going to be very busy in the next period as well.

Because I know how much of my time RallyBase takes up when I'm working on it, I had to decide on my priorities. And I decided that finally finishing my studies and making sure of finding an interesting job with which I am going to be able to support myself for the foreseeable future was the most important thing. So I made the decision not to be side-tracked and I have temporarily stopped working on the website. Once the dust has settled I'm sure I'll have spare time again, and then I can devote that time to RallyBase (and other rally-related research).

Apologies to everyone that used RallyBase to keep track of the more recent results - and to everyone who's e-mail has not been answered yet. I'll return to RallyBase and try to work my way through the backlog.

Have a great 2009!

on January 10th, so hopefully RallyBase will be fixed soon.