OK, the season is more or less over. This was a first year after the long war and lets give some pros and cons of the new IndyCar series.

Things I liked:
- professionalism in the paddock/races/TV - ChampCar was really lacking it in last years
- sponsored cars - nice to see real sponsors on cars
- competitive races

Things I did not like:
- no TV coverage (Estonia, Europe) - I had to watch internet feed, which was not running very well
- the cars - how can they be so ugly?
- CC teams uncompetitive on ovals

- better schedule
- international TV deal?
- Dario back (Can I forgive him that he jumped the ship: CC->IRL?)
- CC teams more competitive on ovals

All in all I am very positive, although I used to be true CC supporter, this was the first year for ages, where Open Wheel racing in US started to move in the right direction.

Keep going!