Quote Originally Posted by Rallyper
N.O.T. should see this and be able to understand different views of top level rallying. I think Mr Block does much PR for rallying esecially in the USA.

All credits to Ken Block and welcome to NORF 2012!

If you consider that those retarded Ghymkhana (or however those stupid stunts are called) videos are promoting rally then i think you have the wrong impression about the sport...

Block is promoting the hillbillism aspect of rallying and that is BAD for the sport... that way you only attract those retarded stupid idiots wannabe street racers of nothingness with those useless tomato can cars with spoilers and body kits into the sport.... if you want that it is another story.

If you think rallying as a beautiful lady in a nice dress.... what Block does is make her up like a prostitute, dress her up like a 2 dollar *beep* and throw her into the crowd... guess what kind of people are going to get attracted by what they see...